Again, I failed to Overcome Writer’s Block. My Quick Fix Plan
I once again failed to stay true to my earlier resolve of crafting content for the next 30 days. Now I am back to fighting Writer’s Block and returning to my commitment to the 30-day Content writing and posting challenge. This article will explain what happened and what I intend to do in the coming days.
Still Blocked by Writer’s Block
A couple of weeks back I did a piece — **Tackling Writer’s Block- My Recipe, where I described my frustrations on failing to come up with content ideas, especially for someone with a flair for scribbling words basically for online reading.
Sadly, I failed to do a follow-up regarding that newfound zeal and should I call it “writing adrenalin” that cascaded down my entire being, resurrecting this desire to return to being the wordsmith I used to be.
Since that last piece, that zeal vanished, and even when I set a plan in motion to get back to writing reckoning (whatever that means), I have been faced with one upheaval or the other.
From psychological & mental breakdowns to this lackluster approach I feel each passing day stems from being inundated with so many things to do all at once.
Precluding me from attaining the writing heights I did envisage when I created that content, I guess it’s easier said than done.
So what’s the plan?
Even as I write this, I am yet to figure out the most workable antidote to this inability to write online content again, however, I think the solution just flashed through my mind’s eye once again.
So you can walk with me once again, while we seek a lasting solution to my Writer’s block problem.
NB: The things I will be listing will be strictly what currently works for me, I believe it could also be relative to you in more ways than one.
Just start Writing:
Imagine the number of words I’ve been able to jot down on short notice, more like a no-brainer if you ask me.
I started writing this content without many thoughts, and no keyword research except the one I did with our number one AI lazy tool- ChatGPT.
Got a couple of ideas, but I need to state here that the ideas I lifted from the results were relative to my situation and not some randomly selected ideas solely done for click-baiting.
Writing helps release the creative juices locked in begging to be released;
Develop Writing Projects:
Just like I surmised at the beginning of this treatise, I opened up my system, double-clicked on the Notion desktop app, wrote down a plausible headline, and jumped straight to writing this piece.
But while at it, a couple of writing projects and ideas just lit a lightbulb in my head and I will be listing a couple of them and hopefully, this time I will be following these projects through.
- Go back to my soon-to-published Amazon KDP fictional manuscript: I am working on a soon-to-be-released fictional book, a title that will wow fans of dystopic novels and thrillers. This project was started in 2021, and we are in 2023, regretfully, I am just in chapter 3 with more than 5 chapters yet to be written.
- Restart my Webmaster course on Udemy: I stopped attending classes exactly a year ago, but if I want to get my writing mojo back, then going back to this course will greatly enhance my aptitude especially if I want to refine my Technical Writing capabilities.
- Get back to working on my Wellness and Fitness Blog: I had an array of writing topics and ideas for this blog when it was newly created, unfortunately, the vigor to craft SEO-worthy content was once again lost on me. It is now my intention to start writing on this blog once more. I also want to earn some scarce Affiliate commissions from health and wellness programs like those of moreniche etc.
I am embracing AI
The debate about AI will gradually take over some jobs, especially within the writing niche has been rife since Open AI’s chatGPT exploded in the arena setting a very unconventional precedent that shook the entire cyberspace.
It has become pertinent that I take this threat seriously and stop being old school and unconventional, to say the least.
Tools like Writesonic, Quillbot, ProWritingAid, etc. are tools that are currently dominating the AI ecosystem.
Now I’ve been looking closely at these tools and how to inculcate them into my writing arsenal going forward.
To stand out distinctly in this period where content quickly hits the internet at a whim, AI should be the way to go for me.
In the coming days, I will be revealing my experience with each of the tools and how much impact they made or will be making in my new writing journey.
The 30-Day Writing Challenge is back on:
I proposed a 30-day one content-a-day challenge when I wrote that article, consequently, upon this, I couldn’t stay true to my resolve in seeing it through,
This time I’ll be more consistent and committed to this resolve of not just fighting Writer’s Block, but also building a litany of online real estate to my name in recent times to shore up my profile as a Content Creator, Freelancer, and not forgetting the Blogger designation I so cherish.
This 30-day challenge will be across all the platforms I write- here at Medium, Quora where I answer questions, my blogs (oh I’ve got 3), and any other place I could lace my pen.
Again, I will be giving constant updates on this challenge as well, this time I believe it will be different when I celebrate a potpourri of contents, most notably here and on other platforms where I write stuff.
I wish I could get other willing participants to join this writing and content-creating exercise, to help motivate me and in addition- bring back the bacon, join me please because I know it’s gonna be all fun and mentally tasking.
I will be Concentrating strictly on a set Niche:
On Medium, I will be writing content strictly on Writing Contents Online, on my other blogs I will stay on the topics that are relative to their chosen niches.
I proposed earlier to write across platforms, while this apparently looks good on paper, spreading myself thin could become counterproductive in the long run.
So I’ll be writing more here on Medium, then my Wellness blog should take a bit of that concentration, did I mention I also have a fashion and e-commerce site? yes, I do and now you know.
I will be creating fashion-related content in the blog section, more like Content marketing.
Vlogging and Video Would gradually be added
I am camera shy to the point where I prefer writing to doing videos, luckily for me I’ve discovered a more efficient and robust pathway to creating Video content going forward,
I will be sharing that as well, but not today.
People watch more videos today and ignoring this will hurt my future purpose of making a Content creation comeback, though I expressly spoke about writing content, believe me, transitioning to videos will be part of my content creation strategy as we head into the second quarter of 2023.
So What I’ll be doing in the coming days
- Creating topics for content- luckily I did a checklist of contents in an old notebook. I did some spring cleaning and unearthed this treasure, now it is going to be coming in handy for this exercise
- Repurposing the contents to match today’s Reality
- Going over to Quora to see what topics are in demand, chiefly on the “HOW TO WRITE ONLINE” niche for Medium, then questions and answer queries for other blogs based on their individual niches.
- Employing our newest kid on the block- chatGPT to churn out content for re-editing and rewriting (recall I said I was gonna embrace AI).
- Write and post to all platforms
- Rinse and Repeat
In Conclusion
It is going to be a very kick-ass thirty days, and the most controversial thing here is I’m starting on April 1- Fools’ Day (sounds funny huh?!).
This is a journey I am willing to go the entire gamut this time with no quitting I promise.